Upcoming Talk 9 December to the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland

On 9th December I am due to give a talk based on my new(ish) book The Kings of Aileach and the Vikings to the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. I am not sure yet if the lecture will be via Zoom or in person. Many Irish historical societies are having online lectures for the remainder of 2021 and hope to resume in person talks next year in 2022. It seems a long time ago now at the start of 2020 when my new book was published. I have not had a launch for the book yet. Thankfully online sales of the book have been good.

In my talk to the RSAI I hope to focus on Viking activity in the north of Ireland in both the archaeological and literary records, showing how both disciplines compliment each other. Having read a critical review of my book I realise that I have to tighten up my use of the Annals of the Four Masters, but I think my book stands up well to historical scrutiny and I am still very happy with it. Historians can differ with their opinions of the usefulness of literary sources such as the Icelandic sagas and this is fine. My books are honest efforts to provide a well researched historical narrative that informs and also entertains the reader.

So please join me on 9th December at 7.30 pm when we will discuss Viking activity in the north of Ireland as seen through archaeological and literary sources.