The Importance of Peace in a Troubled World

As a historian who has studied many violent periods in the World’s history the current war in the Ukraine is very troubling. Russia, the aggressor is a nuclear power and this has made most world leaders take a step back from the conflict to view the wider picture. The civilian casualties and physical damage inflicted in the war so far has been awful and one can only hope that a ceasefire and then a peace agreement can be arrived at very soon. In the meantime Ireland has already accepted thousands of Ukrainian refugees who are most welcome during this perilous time for their country.

My books deal with violent periods of time in Ireland’s early modern and medieval history. However, these took place perhaps 500 or 1000 years ago and as such I hope that my readers approach my books with the detachment they deserve. My books are only factual entertainment, telling the stories of Irish men and Irish women who did well in trying circumstances. They don’t have a modern or present day message and indeed my own politics and viewpoint are very moderate and peaceful.

My intention is that this post will clear up any misunderstanding or misinterpretation and hopefully there will be a ceasefire soon in the Ukrainian conflict and a lasting peace agreement as such a war is far too dangerous for the world to contemplate.